If I had my way, the first thing I would do is change the laws on abortions throughout the land. I just can't believe how many abortions are performed in the world. Why doesn't the pro-life Christian community speak up? We've been silent for too long! I recently read about how many abortions are committed in China. From the BBC, they state there are 13 million abortions each year in China. The facts state China initiated a law in 1979 that limits the birth of 1 child to married couples. ( in about 35% of the population.) It says this law was written to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China. Is the U.S. heading this way? Statistics listed on the website of Center For Bio-ethical Reform, list a total of Worldwide abortions per year at approximately 42 million, or approximately 115,000 per day. They list approximately 1.37 million abortions per year in the U.S. and approximately 3700 each day in the U.S. What must God think of us? I wrote a song called, "Give Your Baby A Voice" that talks about abortion is not a choice. Those who think it is a choice are lying. Listen to my song on my website http://www.lisaannhammond.com/. If you want a copy, I'll send it to you FREE as long as the supply lasts!
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