Today (April 1, 2010) I received the following message from the American Family Association and want to share it with you. What a wonderful testimony!
"Dear Friend,
Hobby Lobby is a very special company you should know about. Each Easter and Christmas, CEO David Green and Hobby Lobby place full-page ads in newspapers all across the country. He has been doing this since 1997.
These ads have a single purpose - to spread the good news of Christ! These ads cost Mr. Green's company hundreds of thousands of dollars. Such devotion to the gospel message is worthy of your support of his company.
I would be grateful if you would consider the following suggestions:
1. Send an email to Hobby Lobby CEO David Green, thanking him for his company's dedication to spreading the Good News of Christ!
2. Listen to a radio interview between Mr. Greeen and AFA President, Tim Wildmon.
May God bless you as we celebrate together, the resurection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association"
The Hobby Lobby message can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
May you all have a blessed Easter and wonderful spring!
Lisa Ann