Monday, May 26, 2008


Traveling with the outrageous gas prices is getting ridiculous! Let me tell you what happened to me recently. I am a Christian singer and live near Myrtle Beach, SC. I have several places in Ohio where I am scheduled to sing. I never charge for singing because this ministry was given to me by God, and He provides for me. Most places take up a love offering and I sell my CD's to cover my expenses. There are times, though, that I do not make enough to cover expenses, so I have to be very careful and watch every cent.

Driving to Ohio from South Carolina by car takes close to 12 hours and then driving to the different cities where I am to sing would cost a small fortune with gas prices so high. So way back in February we did some internet price checks and finally found a reasonable flight for $245.00 round trip. We also found a real cheap rental car at $13.00 a day. Fortunately, my sister lives in Ohio, so I would not have to get a motel because I stay at their home. I was scheduled to fly on June 14th from Myrtle Beach, SC to Dayton, Ohio and return June 23rd. I thought everything was fine, until last week when I got an e-mail telling me the airline (Southern Skyways) would no longer be flying out of Myrtle Beach because of gas prices. My trip is only 3 weeks away!

It was panic time! I called the airline that cancelled me. They told me they made a a deal with Myrtle Beach Direct Air. We called them, but their June 14th flight was full. I checked other airlines and most tickets cost over $400.00 one way. So it was back to Myrtle Beach Direct Air. They had 2 seats availabe on a flight leaving June 12th. We got those at almost the same price, but we will have to leave 2 days earlier and must go to another airport (Columbus, Ohio), which is over an hour and one-half trip from where we will be staying in the Cincinnati area. (So that will cost more gas!)We were also charged extra for each piece of luggage checked, and then we had to change the car rental, which was much more expensive than our original car rental. We had to make changes there.

The moral of this story is when you think you have made plans with an airline, just remember, the airline can change anything at anytime! It appears gas prices are controlling and changing our lives!

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Now, I love music as much as anyone. Maybe even more, because I am a Christian recording artist. I play my radio all day, all the time. I love all kinds of Christian music, from sweet soft medleys, old hymns, new hymns, black Gospel, choirs, to even a little of the rock stuff. But one thing I dislike more than anything is when I can't hear the words of a song. The words either aren't clear, or the music drowns them out. I know K-LOVE and other Christian Radio stations play music like this all the time. Someone should tell them it's not the music that makes it Christian music, IT'S THE MESSAGE!
Lisa Ann

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Redeemer Lives!

Easter is just around the corner, and as I ponder what Jesus has done for me, I can't help thanking Him and praising Him for knowing me backwards and forwards and making me who I am, like the potter creates his masterpiece with the clay. I might have Tourette's Syndrome, but God knows all about it. He created me with the Tourettes, and He knew that when I sing for Him, I would not have any symptoms of Tourettes. Only He knows how many lives have been touched because of His miracle. So the next time the devil tells you you are worthless, just know that God created you just the way you are, and you are a masterpiece. Remember the old saying, "God don't make no junk."
Have a wonderful Resurrection Day! Praise the Lord.........He's alive!
Lisa Ann

Monday, February 25, 2008


The U.S. Postoffice is raising postage again this May. The costs of mailing keeps climbing! I just feel it won't be long that our servers will start tacking on a charge for e-mail. I know e-mail isn't affected by the gasoline prices, but greed is always there lurking in the shadows. Would there be an end to spam? What do you think?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Searching for Stephen in North Carolina!

I write my blogs and my mother types them for me. She apparently clicked on something and it deleted some comments. She did read one comment before it was deleted from Stephen in NC who invited me to sing at his church. To Stephen: If you see this, please let me know how to get in touch with you! I would love to sing at your church. Please comment again, or e-mail me at

Why do people stare and laugh at me?

I get so discouraged when I am in a store and people stare and make fun of me. When I'm jerking my head or having vocalizations, they can see there is something wrong. Having Tourette's Syndrome is hard, and when people don't know what it is just makes it so much harder for the sufferers of this incurable brain disorder. Don't people read or watch TV? There have been so many publications and TV shows that have talked about it. Please educate yourself on what Tourettes is. You will make it so much easier for me and my fellow Touretters. You can also find out more about Tourettes by visiting my website at

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Smoky Mountain Gospel Jubilee * February 7 & 8th

This coming week I'll be off to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, Lord willing, to sing at the Smoky Mountain Gospel Jubilee at the Country Tonight Theater. Please try to be there if you are in the area, or take a quick vacation get-a-way for a two day wonderful meeting with Jesus. It's Thursday, February 7th at 6:30 pm, Friday morning at 9:30 am and Friday evening at 6:30 pm. There will be beautiful music by many church choirs and great preaching by many preachers, including Dr. Ralph Sexton, Jr. and T.D. Burgess. (The services are awesome!) I usually open up the Jubilee and sing the first song. So come early! If you get there, please don't forget to stop by my table. On Sunday, February 10th I'll be singing at my old church, Roaring Fork Baptist Church in Gatlinburg, TN.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Democrat Adults?

I don't know if you watched the Debate last night that was held here in my home town (Myrtle Beach, SC), but I couldn't believe what I heard. Fighting and squabbling like children! How pathetic. Can you imagine how they both would react with the Congress? They would really get a lot done in the white house!
What do you think?

Friday, January 18, 2008

DON'T VOTE.........

Since the election will be held this November, and many states are voting in a primary now, I want to say that I think it is crucial that we know where the candidates stand on key issues. I can't believe it, but there are probably people out there who don't know what the candidates oppose or support. If you are going to vote, read up, not only on what the candidates believe, but what the issues themselves are. I did, and it has helped tremendously. I'm picking the candidate that I think will best serve the country.


DID YOU KNOW: (According to the AFA, American Family Association)

The Federal Marriage Amendment that defines a marriage as being only between a man and a woman is opposed by Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Ron Paul and Fred Thompson. So out of the top candidates, only Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter and Mitt Romney support the Amendment.

Also, the Right to Life is only supported by Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, John McCain, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson. Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama and Rudy Giuliani oppose the Right to Life.

These issues are important to me!

Go on the AFA website and select VOTER GUIDE. This will give you information on where the candidates stand on specific important issues.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Scheduling for 2008-2009

Hi, Everyone;

I hope everyone has all of those New Year resolutions going great, and sticking to them! I have! I have lost over 25 pounds in the last 5 months with Weight Watchers.

Anyway, I'm busy getting my 2008-2009 schedule ready. if anyone wants to schedule me please visit click here.

I will share my story and music wherever the Lord leads me. If you, your organization or church would like to invite me to share my music and testimony, please complete the information, click here.

There is no charge; however, love offerings are graciously accepted. I support myself through love offerings, donations, selling my 6 CD'S and through mission sponsors. The Lord provides for me through Mission sponsors' financial help to enable me to travel without charging for appearances. I will go anywhere in the world, wherever the Lord opens the doors. I request only necessary travel expenses.

The miracle of the ministry the Lord has given me is that His comforting touch takes away my affliction when I sing in praise to Him!

If you know me, you know that God is my agent and manager. I look to Him to direct my life and I depend solely on Him. Only He knows where the Holy Spirit needs to work! God gave me this ministry and it belongs to Him. The mission is to see souls saved and lives changed. Please pray that He will continue to give me the ability and resources to reach those who are hurting and need to hear how they can handle their struggles with His great strength and love.

May God lay upon your heart what part He would have you to play in this ministry for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Thanks LisaAnn